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Christmas – It’s the most wonderful time of the year???

Christmas – The most wonderful time of the year??? Is it really?

Christmas can bring up a range of emotions. Christmas is often painted in the media as a time of joy, fun, happiness, celebration, love, connection, rest. However, let’s be real, it can sometimes be quite the opposite; it can be challenging, hectic, tiring, irritable, overwhelming, and upsetting. Even though Christmas is only one day of the year, it is fair to say the build-up happens weeks and months in advance of the 25th of December.

Every year, there can be many sources of stress such as buying presents, financial worries, getting things done by a certain date, juggling “doing the visits”.

It is a time that may bring up difficulties in relationships – with family, friends, with those no longer with us, our relationship with food, alcohol, drugs, exercise, with ourselves.

It can be a stark reminder of challenges and changes faced during the year, difficult anniversary reminders, reminder of previous tough Decembers.

As if Christmas was not enough of an emotional rollercoaster, this year we have the additional factor of Covid. Some other sources of concern might include will people get annoyed with me if I do not want to meet/hug them? Will I be able to travel home for Christmas? How many people should I meet? Perhaps you won’t be able to do a lot of the usual Christmas traditions.

Despite many messages of Christmas being “the most wonderful time of the year”, it is ok to acknowledge that sometimes, it is the hardest.

Next post will be ideas on how to look after yourself around the festive period.

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