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Life after lockdown; what can help?

With a gradual return to “normality”, it can create a sense of a worry. Some things that may help with this transition are listed below. Some may be applicable to you, others may not. You know what works best for you. 

1.Create your own phases
What type of life do you want to return to? If possible, create your own phases in how you would like to return. Just because you can physically go into work or meet up with friends/family, does not necessarily mean you have to right now if it feels too overwhelming. It doesn’t mean avoiding this forever. Instead, set goals and build yourself up to a way that works for you. Perhaps it’s a day a week in work to begin with. Perhaps it’s spending 30 minutes with a friend and gradually build it up to an hour.

2. Talk about it
Is there someone in your life that you can share your concerns with? Someone you feel will listen to you without any judgment? It can be a trusted friend, family member or perhaps a professional.

3. Write it out
What are your worries about? Are you concerned about getting sick? Is it the thought of having to isolate? Do you feel that you won’t be able to cope with returning to the long commute, hours in the office? Whatever it is, it is valid. By writing (or typing) it out, it can limit the amount of time and energy ruminating on thoughts and help you to get a better idea of what is concerning you.

4. Note what is in your control
Reality is that generally, we have a lot more control over our behaviour, as opposed to what we feel or think. With this in mind, what things can you control? Things that you might be able to control include your hygiene, your rest, self care, your own transitioning plan.

5. Acknowledge your worries  
We can spend a lot of energy actively avoiding our worries. By acknowledging our worries, does not mean you have to like that these worries are here. Rather, when we acknowledge them, we can better use our energy into something more productive like soothing ourselves.

6.  Explore your expectations. 
What do you expect your life will look like? Are these expectations useful? How will you feel if life isn’t what you expected to be? If possible, try not to overthink about what the future may bring. Instead, try to focus on the here and now and what is in your control.

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