It has been about 2 years since I created my website so perhaps a good time to re-introduce myself (and what a 2 years it has been!).
I sometimes find it hard to summarise what it is I actually do in my work. Sometimes I feel it is obvious what a therapist does but…

It can be difficult to witness our loved ones engaging in unhealthy behaviours and habits and not reaching out for help or having any desire/motivation to change.
It is hard when we make many attempts to help, but they do not want to be helped.
If change was so easy (for either ourselves or for…

Therapy is a journey.
Like a journey through a forest, therapy sessions have many paths to explore.
Some paths are comfortable, clear, safe, and bright.
Other paths may feel dark, shadowy, foggy, unclear.
We may walk the previously familiar paths less now as it no longer benefits or serves us.
We then can explore new…

Therapy is hard work. We might hear from some people how “great” and “lighter” they feel after a therapy session.
It is important to note that therapy does not always immediately make you feel better. Sometimes, we may feel “worse” after a session. We might feel tired, vulnerable, teary to name but a few. Why?…

How to choose the right therapist for you: It can challenging to know what to look out for in a good therapist. It's hard to tell by looking at someone's qualifications or a picture. If you have had a bad experience with a therapist in the past, it can make it more difficult to reach…

Thinking about starting to see a therapist? Information on what therapy is and is not.