I love the wisdom within nature and how it can teach us about our own internal cycles.
Daffodils can symbolise rebirth and new beginnings, the transition from winter to spring.
Daffodils, like us humans, are very resilient…. which we can often forget. Daffodils can survive the harshest of winters and can still bloom (even through snow). I find this offers us hope as we transition out of winter, especially for those who perhaps find the darkness, cold, death of winter challenging.
There can often be a societal pressure to be fully “bloom”, extraverted, “fully healed”, the first, the best. We may compare ourselves to how someone “appears” to have their sh*t together while we’re still navigating our way in the world.
It can be hard not to compare how we are doing to others. There may not be as much emphasis or validation on our journey, the process. We may be growing, developing, changing but it may not be as evident as others.
Like any flower, if we bloom or peak too quickly, it is often not sustainable.
Some of us may currently need more support and nurturing before we can emerge into ourselves and begin to bloom and that is ok.
Reminder: “Nothing in nature blooms all year. Be patient with yourself.”
Words in images:
We often want to stay bloomed and full. We may struggle with seeing how quick others ‘appear’ to be growing and developing compared to ourselves.
In some phases/cycles of our life, we may need more nurturing, time, space before it feels safe or we are ready to emerge as ourselves.
Daffodils give us hope that it is possible to overcome obstacles and bounce back from hardships.
Even after the darkest, harshest, coldest of winters, the daffodil reminds us that nature (like us humans) will be reborn and life will go on.
The same can be said for our own internal winters, difficulties and darkness. Some emotions may seem impossible to re-emerge from… but we too are resilient and it is possible.
Everything is cyclical.
The winters do end, although it is difficult sitting in the uncertainty of not knowing when or how long it will take to pass.