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Grieving doesn’t make you imperfect. It makes you human.

Anniversaries of any kind (e.g. a bereavement, a break up, an accident) can bring up a mix of emotions. A year anniversary of a global pandemic is no different. Our lives dramatically changed by an announcement this time last year where I feel many of us are still trying to process this. 

It is not just the week or date itself, but perhaps we have experienced several anniversaries based on the pandemic already e.g. this time last year was the last day I was in the office, the last concert I went to, the last night out.

The pandemic represents something different to all of us. For some of us, we might give this week little acknowledgement, it feels like just another week. For others, it may weigh differently. There is no shame if you feel distressed or upset by it.

It might seem “silly” to grieve some things when you might feel others have more “significant” things to grieve about. However, if you are longing for a night out, a trip to the cinema, doing something else other than going for “another walk” – allow yourself to grieve, to be pissed off, to be sad, to comfort yourself. It is ok to grieve the things you miss.

If you are finding this week tough, feeling off, fatigue, disbelief, – it is understandable and you are not alone in it. Mind yourself as best as you can.

Quote from @sarahdessen

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